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Underrepresented Voices: Women of colour in conservation


This body of work is a visual journey that seeks to unveil the often overlooked yet profound contributions of Black women in nature conservation within the Eastern Cape. The core of this exploration revolves around the pivotal themes of visibility and representation, particularly within the domains of documentary photography and narrative storytelling. 
Drawing upon my own creative experiences and deep-rooted passion for conservation, I contextualize this endeavour with a personal and empathetic perspective. I aspire to bring to the forefront the extraordinary contributions and formidable challenges faced by Black women who dedicate themselves to the cause of nature conservation in the Eastern Cape. This body of work is a medium that uses visual imagery to delve into the specific barriers and hurdles encountered by these exceptional individuals, while simultaneously striving to foster more authentic and empowering representations within visual culture. This approach is essential, as it plays a pivotal role in dismantling the damaging narratives and stereotypes that have burdened the portrayal of Black women for generations.
Through this visual narrative, my goal is to magnify the voices and narratives of these remarkable women, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and equitable portrayal of Black women within the sphere of nature conservation and extending beyond its boundaries.